الرئيسية > خدمات > قضايا محلية للنقاش > أولوية تحسين الخدمات العامة( المجال أو المكان : القرى / المدن / العشوائيات ) > goldring
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Gold necklace, gold bracelet, gold ring, gold set, gold earrings models are waiting for you in Al Romaizan. In 1990, Al Romaizan set our sights on expanding to the United Arab Emirates and opened our first two branches in Dubai before opening subsequent branches in shopping malls throughout the nation. Through our commitment to excellence, our reach has expanded to over 7 provinces in the UAE, with your branches being a beacon of high-quality, traditional craftsmanship. Most abundant in exquisite styles of jewelry on display, with gold ring design influences which range from authentically Arabic to Italian, Turkish, and Singaporean, Al Romaizan's retail stores feature something offering like no other traditional retailer. Al Romaizan currently has branches across 4 countries – Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, and United Arab Emirates. We're proud of the legacy we have created and endeavor to continuously lead and inspire the gold and jewelry industry in the GCC.
تم إنشاء في 07/10/2021 02:17 م  بواسطة  
تم إجراء آخر تعديل في 07/10/2021 02:17 م  بواسطة  
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